When I decided to become a Health & Fitness Coach, it was HIGHLY recommended that I read personal development.  The company believes that in order to live a fit & healthy lifestyle & help others, you must have a healthy mind.  It was suggested that I read at least 10-15 min of personal development daily.  But I didn’t think I needed personal development, and I certainly wasn’t a fan of reading.  I actually HATE(d) reading.

But my cousin, Moira Kucaba, who got me involved in Coaching, suggested I start by reading the Compound Effect.  I kept putting it off, but she kept asking me if I read it.  Then she even sent me two additional personal development books as gifts.  So I figured I better start reading.  So I did.  I read the Compound Effect  And I read the next book. And the next.  I was hooked!

But I wasn’t committed to reading everyday.  So for my 2017 Vision Board, I committed to getting up early every morning and starting my day with 10-15 minutes of personal development reading.  It is SO LIFE CHANGING!  I promise you – try it!

I have been reading the book, “The Universe Has Your Back” and this morning the chapter had to do with “Asking for your sign.”  The author gives an example of when her & her husband were looking for a new house and they were excited AND uncertain about moving outside the city.  She decided that her sign would be an Owl & asked the Universe to show her a sign.  Shortly after that, she spotted and Owl and just knew that they were making the right decision.  The book then asks you to think about your joy and what is holding you back.  My fear is sometimes the sigma of being a “Beachbody” Coach and that fear sometimes holds me back.  My JOY is helping people live a healthy and fit lifestyle.  My JOY is helping people feel amazing!  Stories of weight loss, personal health gains, lowered cholesterol, lowered blood pressure, no longer eating processed food, feeling stronger, feeling happier, families who are cooking together instead of eating out – BUT…a “Beachbody” Coach.  I know that helping people is what I love to do, but I sometimes worry about what others think.  The book then asks you to take a moment and decide on your sign & then ask the Universe to show you a sign that the Universe has your back.

I thought, hmmm, interesting, because Owls are sort of my sign.  My mom loves to garden and she gave me an Owl for my garden and told me that it was so I know she is always watching over me and here for me.  But I figured, I can’t pick and Owl when the author just told me that was her sign.  So I picked a “dime.”  A dime would be my sign.  The book says to “Turn it over to the Universe and be patient.”  I of course started searching for signs of a dime and then thought, I need to be patient.

After I got the kids off to school, I sat down to write a few notes that I was mailing out.  Another thing on my Vision Board – sending personal notes.  I have the WORST hand writing and I am VERY self conscious about it!  My cursive is like chicken scratch and I print in all capital letters.  I have always been more of a verbal person, avoiding writing, but I have committed to sending snail mail for 2017.

I got up to look for stamps.  I opened a draw and there was this card…it had an Owl on it!  I thought, WHAT? Where did this card come from??  I opened it and it was a card written to me last year from Moira, the very person who reached out to me and told me I would be a great Coach.  Shortly after that , a dime appeared.

Coaching is for me!  It brings me so much JOY to help people live a fit & healthy lifestyle.  And to be part of a company that not only cares about a person’s fitness & nutrition journey, but cares about helping people to be the best versions of themselves!

Our team finished ELITE in 2016 and is ranked #24 in the company.  What does this mean?  It means that we, as a team, have united to give people fitness that is convenient, nutrition that is a reasonable approach, we run Challenge Groups to help people stay accountable and we help people to reach reasonable goals that align with THEIR health & fitness vision.  Our world is full of problems of obesity, lifestyle disease, gratification of food with fast food, pizza, nachos, BUT we, as a team, are helping to change that.  We, as Health Coaches, are helping people to lead a “healthy & fulfilling life.”

If you would like to learn more about our health & fitness programs, OR, maybe you too would like to empower others to live a healthy & fulfilling life, reach out to me.  I would love to hear from you.

Strong Souls – Inspiring Strength,
