Are you putting yourself LAST on your to do list??


I know you are busy.  I get it.  I am busy too.  BUT, your health is SO important and it is time to start putting YOURSELF on the TOP of your to do list!  And I am hear to help YOU!

In the 4 week challenge starting on October 2, we will focus on helping YOU find 30 min in your day that you can focus on you – that is just 2% of your day!!  We will focus on FITNESS and CLEAN EATING, weekly clean eating meal plans and recipes, a proven home fitness program that will work for you that is only 30 minutes!!  We will focus on MINDSET and MOTIVATION, helping YOU to realize that your health deserves 2% of your day.

This is NOT a diet.  This is NOT a quick fix.  I am looking for 5 people who want to make this a LIFESTYLE. I want you to feel freakin’ amazing.  I want you to wake up and feel good about yourself.  I want you to look in the mirror and be HAPPY with how you look.  And I want you to know:  (1) all you need is 30 MINUTES, not an hour (2) You don’t need fancy equipment.  AND (3) you don’t have to give up wine OR all things delicious!

We will start by making small changes – you know what they say, Rome wasn’t built in a day.  We will plug into a community of support run through a free app.  We will share meal prep/plan ideas and recipes so you are prepared and there is no frantic trips to the super market or worse yet, orders for take out.  We will find a 30 min fitness program that fits your needs and likes and will help you work towards YOUR goals.  And since you can stream the workout anywhere, anytime, there are no excuses of work, travel, childcare…

So, are YOU ready to stop wishing and start changing?  If you are ready to feel and look AMAZING, then this Challenge is for YOU!!

With my challenge group, you never pay for my coaching.  I am only reimbursed by products you purchase through me as your Team Beachbody Coach.  There are no extras or added costs for having ME as your coach, other than the products you NEED to purchase below to participate!  (This bundle is on sale for $160 for a limited time)

Click here to purchase –  Once you place your order, email [email protected] with your order # and I will get you set-up for success!!

There is a 30 day money back guarantee if you are not fully satisfied!