Happy Fri-Yay 🎉

Coach the doodle & I have decided to start dedicating our Friday miles to fighting childhood cancer. đź’›

When I trained for the Chicago Marathon, Friday’s were always the day I ran my long runs. When I signed up for the marathon, I had never really run more than 6 miles. But running on behalf of St Jude, it was the little warriors fighting cancer that kept me going, that made me strong. I never thought about my long runs as oh my gosh, I have to run 16 or 18 or 20 miles Friday. Instead, I thought, these are the miles that will make me strong. 👊🏻

It was a week ago today, a Friday, that one of the first graders at my kids school, who also happens to be our principal’s daughter, found out she has Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. This news has sat heavy on my heart. 💞

When I saw a picture on FB this week of our Principal holding his daughter’s hand as they “went for a walk” in the children’s hospital after she had a shot of chemo in EACH leg & a 3 hour blood transfusion, all I could do was stare at the picture & cheer, you go girl! Way to be STRONG!

As Coach the doodle & I went for our run yesterday, I couldn’t stop thinking about what can I do to make a difference.

It was around Friday this time last week that St Jude & IG sent me an email informing me that I could now add a donation button to my IG stories & highlights & 100% of the money I raise will be donated to St Jude. đź’Ż

So I decided I would dedicate my Friday miles to raising money for St Jude. I questioned if this was the right thing to do? Will I make a difference? Does this serve a purpose? As I was running yesterday, I was asking God, and the Universe, to give me a sign that this was what I should do. And just as Coach the doodle & I were finishing our run…

a giant airplane flew right over my head.

So on Friday’s, I will add the St Jude donation button to my stories & you can always find it in my highlights. I invite you to run. Follow along. Make a donation. Because just like when I ran the marathon & people lined the race journey to cheer us on, to keep us strong, WE can cheer on the little fighter’s and let them know, you got this, stay STRONG.

#BeaStrongYou #StJude #BeatCancer #WeNeedaCure #ChildhoodCancer #runnergirl #coachthedoodle