Happy Friday friends!  As a health & fitness influencer, it is no surprise that I like to plan my children’s birthday parties around an activity – an activity that moves their body.  So for my daughter’s 13th birthday, I planned a SUP party with a Waffle Bar Breakfast to follow.

A local yoga studio offered SUP classes so I just contacted them directly and set-up a private party. I know most of the instructors and knew they would be the perfect combo of teacher and fun!

After the yoga session, we headed down the street to our club for a Waffle Bar Breakfast.

Purple is the birthday girls favorite color so a quick trip to the party store for purple paper straws, napkins and balloons and poof, the decorating was done.

My daughter has a lot of allergies, so I always bake her cupcakes . . . besides, when they are made from scratch and baked with love, they are healthy, right?!  LOL

And as a party favor, instead of candy, I ordered Pura Vida Bracelets which tied in perfectly with the theme.  And all proceeds from the purchase of the bracelets went to benefit the Rainforest, so it was a win win!

A fun time was had by all!  Best wishes for your party planning and tag #CookingFitChic so we can see your party fun!


