You are in luck! This brownie bite recipe is a true cheat treat! Sometimes we just need that last minute play date snack without dragging out the made from scratch recipe.


I always pick up fun cupcake toppers and keep them on hand in my baking cabinet along with a box of brownie mix. Substitute equal parts applesauce for the oil for a slightly healthier touch and zero effect to the taste & texture. Follow the directions on back of box & fill a 12 cup muffin tin.

While the brownies back, purée about 4 strawberries in a food processor. Add a 1/2 box powdered sugar to food processor & mix to make a drizzle consistency icing. (The truth is, you can make actual icing using less milk & more sugar, but I added to much milk & wound up with runny icing & realized it worked just as well!)

After the brownies are done baking, let cool. Using a spoon or pastry knife, spread icing over brownies. If making actual thicker icing, fill a ziploc bag with icing, snip the corner off and pipe strawberry icing over the brownies. Top with topper, serve & enJ💚Y!