Throw back

to one of my fav birthday parties!!

I love planning outdoor birthday parties for my kids. With mk’s birthday in November, I know I’m taking my chances with the weather but … I plan for the outdoors anyway, especially since we live within walking distance of a great park.

We love Disney so a “Mickey Celebrate” theme was perfect. I like to get my kids involved in the planning … I mean, after all, it’s their magical day so they should have a say in the details … I used a Mickey cookie cutter to trace Mickey onto the invite and MK added her special coloring touch.

Plastic table covers are my best friend for parties. They come in all sorts of colors to match your theme and make clean up super easy!!  Keeping with the coloring / art theme, I set up a coloring table for the kids to color their magic. My friend has a great organization where she provides backpacks to under privileged children … most of these children have never had access to crayons and haven’t “colored” so in the backpack they receive crayons, paper, artwork colored by other children and basic everyday necessities. All the artwork was donated to her organization, Crayons Matter.

My mom always tells me, make sure you have plenty of food for the kids!!  Kids get hungry when they play!  Keeping it simple & kid approved, I served mini hot dogs, apple slices, strawberries, cheese sticks, Mickey pretzels and mini bottles of water. (Juice boxes get too sticky!!)  And because I don’t want to be stuck with a bunch of kids at the park … I invited the parents to stay for a Mickey Mix & Mingle and I served wine & cheese.  Every parent stayed!

The cupcakes were super fun and easy to make!  Find cupcake liners to go with your theme … mk choose red cupcake liners with white polka dots. Simply make your fav cupcake recipe & icing (homemade is so worth it!) and stick 2 mini Oreos on top as Mickey ears!

I’m not a big fan of candy but I LOVE party favors!  A quick trip to the dollar store & Target and I can usually find a creative non candy party favor to go with my theme.  $1 Mickey coloring books, .98 cent boxes of crayons & a homemade Mickey sugar cookie and my party favor costed less than most goody bags of candy!

Don’t forget to pack your park party supplies like wipes, a roll of paper towels, candles, matches, paper plates and napkins!  And I always make a few extra party favors incase there’s other children playing at the park!!