Made from scratch • Baked with Love

A fun treat to make as a snack for your family or your kids class party, these Heart Tarts will be loved by everyone.

And yes, when you are on a health journey, it’s AOK to enjoy a treat. It’s about the 80/20 rule … 80% clean and 20% fun. And when you make treats from scratch, you can control the ingredients and use healthier options too!!

INGREDIENTS (makes 12 tarts)
2 store bought pie crusts or make your own
1/2 cup Jam (I prefer seedless and look for minimal ingredients & NO high fructose corn syrup!)
1/2 cup Powdered Sugar
1/4 cup scant plant milk
Optional: decorative sprinkles

Preheat oven to 400 degrees
Roll out one pie dough • using a heart shape cookie cutter, cut 12 hearts • place on a cookie sheet lined with parchment paper • evenly divide jam amongst tarts • roll out other pie crust and cute 12 more hearts • place on top of hearts with jam • press to seal • bake until tarts are lightly browned, about 15 min • remove from oven and let cool
Meanwhile, mix powdered sugar and milk in a bowl and whisk until a spreadable icing forms • may add more liquid or powdered sugar until desired consistency • pour evenly over tarts and using a pastry knife or butter knife, spread icing evenly over heart tarts • sprinkle with love •
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