Wife, mom and Fitness & Health Coach. I love to add a little creativity to everyday life and I am passionate about helping people live a fit, healthy & happy life!

Do you know I used to not be able to run 10 yards without having a major asthma attack & taking a Ventolin Inhaler about 8 times on top of other asthma medication that I took daily?! And quite honestly, I really couldn’t walk without having trouble breathing.

But then one day a Pulmonologist looked at me straight in my eyes and said, your lungs are so dependent on this medication, you are so weak…you can either keep taking it & you will probably spend the rest of your life sitting in a chair or you can make a CHANGE & start building up your lungs & getting strong again. He said, the CHOICE is YOURS. Let me know what you choose & we will come up with a plan. I CHOOSE to make a CHANGE & get STRONG. He said ok, I suggest you start running. Running?! I couldn’t even walk. But I knew that I didn’t want to watch life from a chair.

My my first run was about 10 yards. And my next run & my next run & the next one was about 10 yards. But day after day, I committed to making a change to my health & I made small changes on a daily basis. I ran a few steps further. I worked on my breathing & tried to space out the puffs on my inhaler.
Then one day I ran ALL the way to the bridge. I had just run 1/4 mile. I was SO excited.

I also made a conscious effort to eat healthy. Food fuels your body. Eat like crap, feel like crap. But I was making a change to the way I ate & I was starting to feel amazing! I was starting to breathe better. My headaches weren’t so bad. I eventually stopped taking all medication. I even ran a marathon. Change isn’t easy but neither is feeling tired, sluggish & having a constant headache.

I know what exercise & clean eating can do & how amazing you can feel & I am passionate about paying it forward. Are you looking to make a CHANGE? Do you need help getting started? Why not team up with us start making the CHANGE you want to see?! It is time to reserve your spot & start becoming the strongest, healthiest version of YOU!! E-mail me & I will send you the group info.

If you want life to change you have to change