About Heather Holland Suire

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So far Heather Holland Suire has created 121 blog entries.

4th of July

Hello & Happy 4th of July weekend!!  Weekends, especially holiday weekends, can be the hardest to stay on track with workouts & making healthy food choices.  But, that is why I LOVE our accountability group and our program.  We set you up for success by helping you create a lifestyle. [...]

2016-07-01T14:34:01-04:00July 1st, 2016|Blog|Comments Off on 4th of July

The day my life changed

On April 12th, I was sitting in my home office doing some work.  It was early afternoon and I received a text message.  I read the message & I instantly felt like I might faint.  I felt so weak, I went to bed.  I briefly got up around dinner time [...]

2017-09-08T15:29:45-04:00June 14th, 2016|Beachbody, Fitness|Comments Off on The day my life changed


I wrote a whole blog post on my WHY I "started" doing these programs. But, what I want to say tonight about my WHY is this...I have learned so much thru this program & Coaching. I have learned about gratitude, finding & creating your joy & mastering your mindset and [...]

2017-09-08T15:29:32-04:00May 23rd, 2016|Beachbody, Fitness|Comments Off on Coaching


Grief.  It hurts.  It's exhausting.  It has been just over a month and I still can't believe this is our reality.  It's like you wake up in the morning and as soon as you open your eyes, you realize that rock, that really heavy rock that feels like it is [...]

2016-05-23T05:13:58-04:00May 23rd, 2016|Blog|Comments Off on Grief

Sweatin’ 4 Summer

Are you wanting to shape up for summer? Wondering how you will find time to workout with the kids out of school? Or maybe you have trouble with your diet and you don't know what to eat or how much to eat and when to eat. If you answered "Yes" [...]

2016-05-11T17:39:05-04:00May 11th, 2016|Blog|Comments Off on Sweatin’ 4 Summer


Yesterday was the first day I woke up in my own bed since returning home from the tragic loss of my 22 month old nephew, Baby James.  The alarm went off and I seriously did not know how I was going to put my 2 feet on the ground. The [...]

2016-04-21T04:09:25-04:00April 21st, 2016|Blog|Comments Off on Strong

Why I drink Shakeology

I used to sort of let it go in one ear and out the other when people talked about "shakes." I wasn’t a “shake person."  And it's funny how one of the first things I would question is what was in the "shake?"  But interestingly enough, I never really examined [...]

2017-09-08T15:30:40-04:00April 4th, 2016|Fitness|Comments Off on Why I drink Shakeology

Project YOU

Project YOU Challenge - Are you thinking of getting on a fitness plan? Thinking of changing the way you eat? Are you looking to feel better about yourself? We all have different goals but one goal we should all have is...to be the best YOU can be. I am offering [...]

2016-04-01T16:30:06-04:00April 1st, 2016|Blog|Comments Off on Project YOU

Me & My Heroes

The story of me and why I am writing this… I grew up as an asthmatic.  I can clearly remember the sight of medicine sitting on a spoon in front of my face as my mom nicely & patiently convinced me to swallow it.  I can remember having to take [...]

2016-03-31T17:18:53-04:00March 31st, 2016|Blog|Comments Off on Me & My Heroes