When we had our 2nd child, I was working part-time in the financial industry. But I knew that wasn’t where my heart was and the lady who watched our children was getting older and really couldn’t keep up with our 4 year old and new born. We decided that it made sense for me to leave corporate america, become a “stay at home mom” and help my husband with his business.

All seemed well. Then we had a 3rd child. We now had an 8 year old, 4 year old and new born. My days were consumed with cleaning up cheerios, Caillou and driving carpool. Friends would talk about how “lucky” people are to be stay at home moms. But the problem was, I didn’t feel lucky. Don’t get me wrong, I love being a mom, but, I needed something to do for me. I became more involved with helping my husband run his business, and I love it, BUT, that was his passion and I was his right wing. I wanted to do something that was MY passion. I had this burning desire in my heart to help people live a fit and healthy lifestyle. I personally had overcome asthma with exercise and clean eating and know first hand how amazing you can feel and I wanted to show other people that they too can feel the same way. But one day was rolling into the next and I was still trying to figure out how to help people.

Then one day, my life sort of flashed before my eyes. I went for a mammogram and got called back for more tests. After a sonogram, I got put on a 6 month “watch list.” They wanted to watch whatever it was they saw for 6 months. I wasn’t worried about what they were going to tell me in 6 months. But what did consume me every single day, every single minute, even during the night, was…if something happens to me and I die, what would people remember me for? What was MY purpose? If someone had to get up and give a speech about me at my funeral, what would they say? I was a good mom. But what was I doing as a mom other than cleaning up cheerios and driving carpool? Some friends said, well you help your husband run the baseball business. Yes, I help him run the business, but that’s his passion and what he will be remembered for. I thought about this every single day. I knew I wanted to inspire people to live a strong, healthy and happy lifestyle, but how?

I decided to run the Chicago marathon with a friend on behalf of St Jude. We stuck to a training plan and held each other accountable. I posted on social media about my journey of going from a 3 to 6 mile runner to 26.2. I posted about food and what I was eating. I started to receive messages from people telling me that because of my post, they were motivated to go run or they made a recipe I shared and really wanted to start eating healthier. I raised $5000 and crossed the finish line sub 4. I loved inspiring people and sticking to a plan and showing people that you can accomplish anything you set your mind too. But now what?!

This was the stepping stone for my Health Coach career. My cousin was a coach and reached out to me and said she thought I would make a great coach. Then she mentioned is was a Beachbody Coach. What?? Isn’t that some swimsuit TV show from the 80’s?! But she persisted that I look into it and I am SO glad I did.

Becoming a Health Coach has given me my own purpose. It has given me the opportunity to help people with their nutrition & fitness goals. It has given me an opportunity to help people work on their personal mindset. It has given me an opportunity to be my own boss, work from home, (or wherever) make my own hours and still be the mom & wife I want to be. But more importantly, this program, this Beachbody thing, has given me the opportunity to be part of a company that cares about helping people have a reasonable approach to health & fitness. And they care about personal development. We care about helping you become the best version of YOU!

If any of my story, my WHY, has sparked an interest in you, reach out to me. Don’t let another day pass you by…find your purpose today!

Coaching Application

I am currently accepting applicants who want to learn and GROW a successful business. Please fill out this form to be considered.