Labor Day Picnic Pies

These pies are perfect for your Labor Day Picnic!  Individually served and easy to eat, make extra because it’s hard to have just one!  Or make them for after school or team snacks!  You can pick your fav fruit to fill them with and these are fun for your kids to help make.


• make your favorite homemade pie crust or buy your favorite store bought roll out pie crust

• pick your favorite fruit, dice if need be (strawberries, peaches, blueberries, blackberries, apples)

• in a pot, add fruit, a few sprinkles of cinnamon (too taste) and a little bit of OJ (can use cranberry juice depending on fruit & flavors you like)

• stir, cooking on low heat, adding more liquid as needed. Continue cooking until fruit softens and becomes jam like

•  roll out pie crust on floured work surface. Using circle cookie cutter, cut circles out of pie crust. (Or get creative and pick a cookie cutter shape)

• top with remaining circles, press to seal

•  bake according to package or recipe directions

•  when pie crust is baked, remove from

oven &

•  in a bowl stir 1 box powdered sugar with 1/4 cup

milk, adding more milk as needed to make spreadable icing like consistency

•  spread icing over fruit pies

•  serve & enJ💚Y !!